1. Atkins Carb Counter Diets

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    Atkins Carb Counter Diets

    The Atkins diet has gone the same way as the Hoover vacuum cleaner. "Atkins" has almost become synonymous for any diet that restricts carbohydrate intake. In the 1960s, Dr. Robert C. Atkins was the first to experiment with a protein-rich, fat-rich and carbohydrate-poor diet. In 1972, he published his book "Dr. Atkins´ Diet Revolution." Back then, his theories flew in the face of established knowledge and were highly controversial. Nowadays, the medical profession acknowledges the value of low-carb diets to lower insulin levels and prevent heart disease. Other People Are Reading Foods that Can't Be Eaten on the Atkins Diet Good Carb and Bad Carb Diets Atkins -- The Original The Atkins diet is good news for everyone who can't live without steak. The Atkins diet does not require counting calories. Dr. Atkins encouraged dieters to eat as much meat, poultry, eggs, cheese and butter as they liked, as well as leafy, non-starchy vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and green beans. The absence of carbohydrates forces the body to burn fat. This process is called Benign Dietary Ketosis. As a result, insulin production goes down, which prevents the body from storing energy as fat. According to Dr. Atkins, even a small amount of carbohydrates is counterproductive to inducing BDK. He recommends a carbohydrate intake of no more than 60 g daily to keep weight off.

    • The Atkins diet does not require counting calories. Dr. Atkins encouraged dieters to eat as much meat, poultry, eggs, cheese and butter as they liked, as well as leafy, non-starchy vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and green beans. The absence of carbohydrates forces the body to burn fat. This process is called Benign Dietary Ketosis. As a result, insulin production goes down, which prevents the body from storing energy as fat. According to Dr. Atkins, even a small amount of carbohydrates is counterproductive to inducing BDK. He recommends a carbohydrate intake of no more than 60 g daily to keep weight off.

    • The Atkins diet comes in phases: Induction, Ongoing Weight Loss and Maintenance. During Induction, which lasts for two weeks, only proteins and non-starchy vegetables are allowed. During Ongoing Weight Loss, dieters are encouraged to experiment with how many complex carbohydrates -- wholegrains, fruit, pulses, no sugar or white flour -- they can eat while still losing weight. This phase has to be maintained until the weight loss goal is achieved. The final phase, Maintenance, needs to be adhered to for the rest of your life if you want to keep the weight off.

    • Recently, the Atkins diet has experienced a renaissance. In 2010, doctors Eric Westman, Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek published the book "New Atkins, New You." They carried on where Dr. Atki...

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  2. How to Lose Weight With a Weekly Diet Meal Plan

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    Battling weight gain can leave you feeling frustrated and doubtful. This is especially true if you've previously made unsuccessful weight loss attempts. Losing weight with a weekly diet meal plan involves choosing food combinations that you'll actually eat Other People Are Reading How to Lose Weight With a Better Eating & Meal Plan Diet Plan Menu for 300 Calories a Meal Instructions 1 Set an appropriate weight loss goal. This helps you make beneficial meal plans. Compare your starting weight with medical recommendations based on your height, age, gender and underlying health conditions. Aim to lose a certain amount of weight each week, while adhering to safe weight loss practices.

    • Set an appropriate weight loss goal. This helps you make beneficial meal plans. Compare your starting weight with medical recommendations based on your height, age, gender and underlying health conditions. Aim to lose a certain amount of weight each week, while adhering to safe weight loss practices.

    • Choose healthy foods that span the color spectrum and food groups. Pick foods low in calories and fat, without compromising a pleasant taste. While you don't have to love the taste of every piece of food you eat, including foods you like increases your chances of compliance with your meal plan. Consult the food guide pyramid to ensure you're not omitting suitable choices and to expose yourself to new options.

    • Rid temptation from your pantry and refrigerator. Eliminating opportunities to deviate from your meal plan can lead to greater success. This may include discarding your favorite fatty foods, or separating multi-use packages into single servings to deter you from overeating.

    • Create your meal plan. Plan out five meals for each day that include breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Use a calorie guide and any nutritional product information to assemble meals.This helps ensure your meals don't surpass recommended calories or portions. Make a grocery list for any items you need for the week's meals. Inputting your plans into a spreadsheet program can help you stay organized.

    • Prepare for the week. Make a trip to the grocery store for essential items. Clustering your weekly food shopping into this one trip can prevent impulse buying. Spend a day separating food into smaller portions, or readying it for cooking. Examples include slicing vegetables for quick usage in salads, or mixing your own trail mix in snack bags.

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  3. How to Obtain a Weekly Diet Meal Plan

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    How to Obtain a Weekly Diet Meal Plan

    A weekly diet meal plan must be something satisfying, yet healthy and low calorie. You also must limit your grocery shopping to once per week to avoid those chip and cookie isles. I have never been someone you would call "fat", but I have been chubby, and I have had 2 children. After my last child, I realized my body literally wouldn't lose any more weight when I still had about 8 pounds to go. Whether it was age or simply poor habits, I thought I was doomed to that extra 8 pounds for life. Then, I made up the easiest weekly diet meal plan (which I will share with you here) and lost all the weight. Other People Are Reading How to Create a Reusable Weekly Meal Planner How to Lose 20 Pounds or More in 6 Weeks Things You'll Need Paper Pencil Salad bowl Freezer Show More Instructions 1 Grab a piece of paper and pencil. Each day of the week you will have a similar breakfast, the same lunch, and a different supper. This is where you will write down you weekly diet meal plan.

    • Grab a piece of paper and pencil. Each day of the week you will have a similar breakfast, the same lunch, and a different supper. This is where you will write down you weekly diet meal plan.

    • Begin with breakfast. Every day in your weekly diet meal plan, you will eat 1 piece or 1 serving of fruit, a half piece of toast, and 1 egg white. You can change up from bananas to apples to blueberries, to whatever you want. This gives you a bit of variety.

    • Follow up the list with lunch. This is where you will need lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. In fact, your salad will consist of a HUGE salad each day. In my weekly diet meal plan salad I include: spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, corn, garbanzo beans, green pepper, bacon bits, and cheese. Make sure you buy enough ingredients to last you 7 days.

    • Include a snack. Typically, a yummy bite to eat for me is a yogurt cup (which I freeze in the freezer), and 1 serving of low fat Triscit crackers. Feel free to do what you wish as long as it fills you up and adds about 200-250 calories to your weekly diet meal plan each day.

    • Include supper on your weekly diet meal plan. This is where you can let go a bit. Don't go crazy, but don't feel like you are bound by a strict calorie and fat count. Fish, chicken, a moderate amount of steak, rice, potatoes, tacos, really anything goes as long as you eat in moderation.

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  4. Fad Diets That Give Results

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    Fad Diets That Give Results

    The big event is fast approaching, and the too tight outfit you plan to wear is no closer to fitting you than the last time you tried it on. While people often criticize fad diets and rarely recommend them, the truth is that many people can relate to the desire to want to lose weight very quickly! Fad diets by definition do not stand the test of time, but some of them do get results. Other People Are Reading Five Meals for Weight Loss Diets for People on a Very Tight Budget The Lemonade Master Cleanse Diet There are claims that Hollywood stars turn to this fad diet also know as the master cleanse when they need to loose weight quickly for movie roles or performances.The diet consists of exclusively drinking a cleansing lemonade made out of water, lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup while also flushing the system by taking laxatives or a saltwater flush. This diet is extremely difficult to maintain for a period of time since there is absolutely no eating involved and returning to eating food will cause weight re-gain.

    • There are claims that Hollywood stars turn to this fad diet also know as the master cleanse when they need to loose weight quickly for movie roles or performances.The diet consists of exclusively drinking a cleansing lemonade made out of water, lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup while also flushing the system by taking laxatives or a saltwater flush. This diet is extremely difficult to maintain for a period of time since there is absolutely no eating involved and returning to eating food will cause weight re-gain.

    • This fad diet is fairly new to people outside of France. Its a high protein diet that is similar to the popular Atkins diet, but unlike Atkins it does not encourage the consumption of fats. The Dukan diet gained popularity after several Hollywood celebrities claimed it helped them shed their extra post-pregnancy weight quickly.

    • Prepackaged diets such as the Cambridge diet and the Slim Fast program prescribe drinking prepackaged shakes and eating prepackaged meals and snacks almost exclusively. These diets are often extremely low in daily calorie consumption and lead to weight loss, but like most fad diets they don't teach a complete lifestyle change. Many people on such low calorie diets tend to gain weight rapidly once they begin to eat real food again.

    • The Atkins diet is the most popular high protein/low carb diet although there are other popular diets with the same basic principle. Atkins promotes the complete elimination of carbohydrates in the first stage which sends the body into a state of ketosis and causes rapid weight loss. However, ketosis may also have some negative effects on other body functions and once carbohydrates are reintroduced into the diet, there is likely to be ra...

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  5. How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

    The Mediterranean diet embraces a heart-healthy meal plan with traditional Mediterranean-style cooking elements. Medical researchers link the Mediterranean diet to a reduced risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure and decreased levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. Add this to my Recipe Box.

    • Consume generous helpings of antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies each day. Mediterranean people traditionally eat an average of nine servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep apples, bananas, grapes and baby carrots on hand for a satisfying, fast snack. Enjoy plenty of fresh pasta sauce as well. Tomatoes might help prevent prostate cancer.

    • Enjoy whole grain products. While bread is an important part of the Mediterranean diet meal plan, you should stick to whole grain varieties. Dip your whole wheat bread in flavored olive oil instead of slathering it with butter.

    • Eat fish at least twice a week. Choose fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids to improve blood vessel health while lowering your triglyceride levels. Wild salmon, mackerel and herring are heart-healthy choices.

    • Grab some nuts. Walnuts, almonds, hazel nuts and pecans are all low in saturated fat but high in healthy monounsaturated fats. The high content of healthy fat tends to make nuts high in calories, however, so limit yourself to one handful.

    • Use heart-healthy olive oil or canola oil when cooking. Look for "virgin" and "extra-virgin" varieties for the least-processed forms of these oils.

    • Use fresh herbs and spices. Sprinkle oregano, rosemary or thyme on your foods instead of salting your meal. Don't be afraid of garlic. Fresh garlic works as an antioxidant when cooked and as an antibiotic when raw.

    • Raise a toast to your good health. The Mediterranean diet plan allows followers to enjoy a small amount of red wine, which is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease. Men should consume no more than 10 ounces a day; women can enjoy up to 5 ounces a day.

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  6. Menstrual Cycle and Diet

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    Menstrual Cycle and Diet

    At times, the menstrual cycle can be unpleasant, especially when PMS comes around. Eating a healthy diet is important for your body, and can be just as important for menstrual cycles. By eating a healthy diet, you can make your periods more pleasant--and possibly eliminate the symptoms of PMS. Other People Are Reading How to Bring on a Menstrual Cycle How to Eat Before Menstrual Cycles The Basics The menstrual cycle is generally 28 days long. It starts with ovulation, when an egg is released from the fallopian tubes. After ovulation, the lining of the uterus begins to thicken, in anticipation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the uterine lining is shed, and that is what causes the monthly bleeding known as a period.

    • The menstrual cycle is generally 28 days long. It starts with ovulation, when an egg is released from the fallopian tubes. After ovulation, the lining of the uterus begins to thicken, in anticipation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the uterine lining is shed, and that is what causes the monthly bleeding known as a period.

    • Many women experience premenstrual syndrome, better known as PMS. This occurs right before the period begins, and is usually accompanied by cramps, bloating, irritability, fatigue, food cravings, breast tenderness and headaches. Also, menstrual cycles can be irregular, which is frustrating for women who are trying to conceive. You can help to ease your PMS symptoms and regulate your cycle through a healthy diet.

    • If you are experiencing bloating during your menstrual cycle, some changes in diet can help combat the bloat. Make sure you eat foods that have high amounts of potassium, such as bananas, cranberries, oranges, raisins, yogurt, dairy products, chicken, turkey and flounder. Keep your sodium intake down, as excess sodium will cause you to retain water. Drink at least eight cups of water per day to flush your body of electrolytes and excess salt.

    • Cramps often occur due to high levels of estrogen. Your estrogen levels increase if you eat a diet high in fat, so try to cut down on the fat if you are experiencing painful menstrual cramps. Make sure you are getting enough calcium, as calcium deficiency can worsen the symptoms of PMS. Also, take it easy on the alcohol because it can exacerbate your pain and make you feel depressed.

    • If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, you might want to increase your fat intake. This might increase your risk for cramps, but if regulating your menstrual cycle is important to you, you might have to deal with the pain. Also, keep your fiber intake lower than usual because fiber can wash out the estrogen that is needed to regulate your cycle. Try to keep your weight at a normal level because too much weight loss or ...

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  7. Hollywood Diets

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    Hollywood Diets

    Even if you don't read the gossip magazines and watch E! television, you know that Hollywood celebrities are constantly taking on strange and sometimes sadistic-sounding diets. Occasionally a diet that seems based on sound nutrition pops up, but generally the latest Hollywood diet craze seems like an impossible way to eat. Other People Are Reading Nutrition in Nursing Homes Fruit & Veggies Diet 5 Factor Diet The 5 Factor Diet was developed by a Hollywood trainer, and does not involve eliminating food groups or eating only one food for entire meals or days. The basic five factors are: five meals per day; five criteria to follow for every meal; five ingredients for each meal, each of which is supposed to take five minutes to prepare; five days each week for five weeks and a workout for 25 minutes; and one day per week is a cheat day.

    • The 5 Factor Diet was developed by a Hollywood trainer, and does not involve eliminating food groups or eating only one food for entire meals or days. The basic five factors are: five meals per day; five criteria to follow for every meal; five ingredients for each meal, each of which is supposed to take five minutes to prepare; five days each week for five weeks and a workout for 25 minutes; and one day per week is a cheat day.

    • A number of A-list celebrities have embarked on the baby food diet, which involves eating 14 jars of baby food each day, with the option of a healthy adult-sized dinner. A variation is to eat three healthy meals per day and replace snacks with baby food. You get to choose the types of baby food you eat.

    • Eliminating white foods means no foods made with white flour, no salt, sugar, white potatoes, and every other white food. The theory is that white foods contain simple carbohydrates, which create a vicious cycle by raising insulin levels, creating further cravings for these carbohydrates.

    • The Dukan Diet was developed by a French nutritionist, and is a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet similar to the Atkins Diet. There are four phases to the Dukan Diet: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization. You begin by consuming only lean protein, water and 1.5 tbsp. of oat bran. Gradually you move to the cruise phase, adding approved vegetables to your diet every other day. Consolidation incorporates a small serving of fruit, cheese and whole grain bread into your daily diet, and allows for two cheat meals per week. Stabilization is the maintenance part of the Dukan Diet and requires that you commit one day each week to following the initial attack phase all-protein diet.

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  8. How to Reduce Belly Fat After Losing Weight

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    How to Reduce Belly Fat After Losing Weight

    Many people find that losing belly fat is very challenging, even after losing weight in general. Belly fat is natural, protecting the inner organs, but too much of it can be deleterious to general health, leading to problems such as heart disease. Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise can aid in shedding those last few pounds. Rotating the kind of exercise you do and keeping up the intensity of your workouts results in faster weight loss. Other People Are Reading How to Get Rit of Belly Fat Without Exercising About Fat Flush Diets Instructions 1 Decrease or eliminate your alcohol intake. Alcohol is made up primarily of sugar and carbohydrates, which can settle into fat on your belly. Alcohol intake is often the primary cause of belly fat in both men and women, and eliminating all alcoholic drinks often results in quick loss of belly fat.

    • Decrease or eliminate your alcohol intake. Alcohol is made up primarily of sugar and carbohydrates, which can settle into fat on your belly. Alcohol intake is often the primary cause of belly fat in both men and women, and eliminating all alcoholic drinks often results in quick loss of belly fat.

    • Reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates and sugar in your diet. Balance the carbs you do eat with vegetables and protein. There are many types of diets to help in finding that good balance to reduce belly fat. Examples of these include the Paleo diet and the Dukan diet.

    • Change your eating habits. Many people eat larger portions and sugary, fatty foods when they are stressed or going through emotional situations. Learning how to curb your emotional eating is key to losing belly fat. Eat smaller portions and focus your diet on healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating late at night.

    • Find an exercise routine that works well for you. Rotate the type of workouts you do, and take at least two days off from exercise. These two factors will allow your muscles to rest and heal. Exercise alone may not remove your belly fat, but in combination with a healthy diet it helps to speed things along. Certain workout routines are aimed specifically at eliminating belly fat, which can be helpful.

    • Do a cardio workout at least twice each week. Examples of a cardio workout include running or jogging, using an exercise bike and using a rowing machine. Each of your workouts should last at least 30 minutes.

    • Work out with weights at least twice each week. Using weights increases the intensity of your workout and maximizes the results, especially for the belly. Examples of exercises to do with weights include squats, shoulder press, bench press and arm curls.

    • Do a gentle workout at least one each week. Examples of these workouts, which stretc...

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  9. How to Do the Dukan Diet

    AvatarBy mark113 il 21 April 2013
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    How to Do the Dukan Diet

    The Dukan Diet is a low-carb, low-fat, high-protein diet used to change your eating habits and help you lose weight and keep it off. It was created by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French physician who established a diet program specifically tailored to individuals and based on four separate phases. It diet gained popularity in 2011, as an ABC News report noted there is speculation that Kate Middleton may have followed the diet to get in shape for her royal wedding. Other People Are Reading How to Do the Deep Cleansing Diet Fad Diets That Give Results Things You'll Need "The Dukan Diet" book by Dr. Pierre Dukan Show More Instructions 1 Purchase "The Dukan Diet" book to read all about the philosophy and science behind the diet. It explains in full detail the phases involved and how it makes you lose weight. The phases of the Dukan Diet are the Attack Phase, the Cruise Phase, the Consolidation Phase and the Stabilization Phase.

    • Purchase "The Dukan Diet" book to read all about the philosophy and science behind the diet. It explains in full detail the phases involved and how it makes you lose weight. The phases of the Dukan Diet are the Attack Phase, the Cruise Phase, the Consolidation Phase and the Stabilization Phase.

    • Sign up for your own Dukan Diet account for free on the Dukan Diet Web site. Here you can calculate your true weight, and the site will generate your customized plan.

    • Prepare yourself for Phase 1 by going to the grocery store and stocking up on the pure protein foods you will need to properly follow the first step. These include eggs, chicken, steak, pork, tofu, tempeh, and nonfat dairy products such as nonfat yogurt and skim milk.

    • Follow the program's steps to reach your goal weight in the time frame set for you on the Web site. You can even hire a "Dukan Coach" from the site. This person provides you with daily interaction, coaching and inspiration to keep you going on your quest to lose weight and get in shape.

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013
  10. Mediterranean Style Diets

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    Mediterranean Style Diets

    Mediterranean style diets recognize the importance of including a wide variety of foods into your daily meal plans. Each meal is based primarily on plant based foods; with protein items added as a side dish rather than as the main focus of your meal. According to an article published in Medline Plus, following this type of diet may reduce your cholesterol, triglycerides and decrease your risk of heart disease and other health problems. Other People Are Reading Mediterranean Diet Ideas How to Lose Weight on a Mediterranean Diet Permitted and Restricted Foods Use olive oil to replace butter or margerine Fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh, as well as whole grains, nuts, olive oil, beans and seeds are the mainstay of each meal. Olive oil, nuts, and plant sources such as avocado deliver the main source of fat in this diet. Fish and seafood are allowed at least twice a week, or more often if you desire. You can enjoy other protein sources such as cheese, poultry and yogurt in moderate portions. Limited foods include red meat, sweets and desserts, eggs and butter.

    • Fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh, as well as whole grains, nuts, olive oil, beans and seeds are the mainstay of each meal. Olive oil, nuts, and plant sources such as avocado deliver the main source of fat in this diet. Fish and seafood are allowed at least twice a week, or more often if you desire. You can enjoy other protein sources such as cheese, poultry and yogurt in moderate portions. Limited foods include red meat, sweets and desserts, eggs and butter.

    • The basis of your meals will be fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try to fit between seven and ten servings of fruits and vegetables each day. You can add fresh fruit to all your meals, and use carrot sticks, celery sticks or any other crunchy vegetable as a snack. Incorporate whole grains into your cooking, and switch to whole grain bread, cereals and pasta if you haven't already. Nuts and seeds are also an important part of this diet as part of your morning cereal or your evening salad. As you follow this eating plan, you will be eliminating butter and margarine from your food, replacing it with monounsaturated fat, olive or canola oil. Feel free to experiment with a wide variety of herbs and spices to liven up the taste of your food and reduce your salt intake. Your main source of protein is from seafood and fish. Once or twice a week, you can enjoy grilled fish, or fresh or water-packed tuna or salmon. Poultry is permitted, as long as it is grilled using healthy olive or canola oil. Low-fat dairy products are allowed occasionally as well.

    • A study published in the September 2008 issue of the "British Medical Association Journal" and posted in the PubMed website shows that following a Mediterranean...

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    Last Post by mark113 il 21 April 2013